Now i'm going to share about one of the best place to stay in Jeju-do, South Korea for backpakers. To be specific, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, South Korea. Actually Jeju-do consist of few part which are the Jeju-si and Seogwipo-si if i'm not mistaken and from my understanding. Another one small part is Jugmun, but for me i divided this Jeju-do into two part. haha. suka hati ja. lalalaaa~~
So during our trip to Jeju-do, we spend 3 days of our trip in
Yeha Guesthouse, on the first day, fourth and fifth day. Our trip in Jeju-do start with Jeju-si (north area of Jeju-do) then we go to the west area, the south area (Seogwipo-si) and stay there for about two days. From the south, we move to the East and back to the North (Jeju-si).
For the first day we stay at this Yeha guesthouse as it is nearest to the Jeju International Airport. It tooks about 5 minutes by car or by taxi. The taxi from the airport to Yeha Guesthouse will cost about 4300-4500krw. You can just simply give the phone number of the Yeha Guesthouse or show your confirmation e-mail from Yeha Guesthouse as there is a note for taxi driver there. So convenient right?
Actually there are two buildings of this Yeha Guesthouse. Yeha Guesthuose Jeju Terminal and Yeha Guesthouse Jeju City Hall. For me, i choose the Jeju Terminal as the dorm is attached with the toilet. :D
As a backpakers, we try to reduce the budget as minimum as possible and at the same time mesti lah nak selesa kan. :D All the rooms are attached with the toilet but then for dorm only Jeju Terminal had a dorm with attached toilet. So choose wisely when you are booking.
Second reason why i'm choosing this guesthouse is sebab diorang sediakan peralatan memasak dan untuk muslim, they have special set which is locked in the cabinet and will only be open when you told them that you are a muslim. Disebabkan agak susah untuk mencari makanan yang halal disana, and even seafood kalau x yakin, we have other alternative which is by cooking own food. The staff there are very nice and friendly. and even help to give suggestion on Halal restaurant which we can go around there.
the reception desk |
relax area where can eat and cook. can also online to get information. also get free international call. |
the kitchen area, the sink and all the plate, mug etc2. the one with the lock is the muslim one. |
free breakfast. |
the wall. full with the guest picture |
a board where you can paste yours. can found few ringgit malaysia there. |
the stairs where someone get injured himself . |
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dorm for 6 |
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attached with toilet |
So overall the guesthouse is suitable for muslim traveller especially backpakers. the rate is quite reasonable, 19000krw per day. and the facilities also nice. The staff again are very nice. and friendly. they really help us when we have problem. Especially when one of my friends injured himself. and luckily he is there. helping clean the cut and stop the bleeding. He also good in cook and they way he serve the food pon very niceeee~~. Boleh jatuh hati. wink2 *_*
Jadi, bagi mana-mana backpakers yang nk ke Jeju, boleh la book guesthouse ni. they also have guesthouse in Busan and Seoul. the link can be found on the same website. till meet again.
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