such a memorable day for me.
tanggal 20 april 2012.
mak n abh org first y wish n i'm really hapy to be born as mak n abh girls:)
terima kasih mak n abh sbb besarkan kakak smpai sekarang.
terima kasih sbb jaga kakak. even kakak ni degil. x dgr ckp, suka nages.
but seriuosly kakak sgt syg both mak n abh.:')
kakak x lupa pesan mak.
rasa baru smlm kakak bole maen2 lari2 mak suap nasik, hantaq p sek.
sekarng i'm 22 n but still cn I b mak n abh baby lagi kan? :')
alhamdulilah sbb Allah masih pinjamkan nyawa ni. :)
at least biarlah sampai kakak sempat buat mak n abh happy. insyAllah
semalam jugak dinner biomed n we all y organize.
congrate n congrate n thanks to all da comitee member,
without any of u, that event won't b perfect. :')
sedar x sedar it almost 3 years we r being together, here.
we share almost everything.
thanks 4 being such a nice frens of mine. n Insyallah I wont forget u dear frens.
thanks jugak 4 celebrating my bufday specially to ezat n mizah. n akak too. :)
i really love that beg :))
thanks jugak 4 my lovely rumate. yana. for being an understandable person for me:')
n thanks jugak untuk shin yong n jack for that lovely bufday song. :)
not to be forget. my dear incik ahmad :)
thanks dear for always being anytime when i need u.
n thanks for those lovely words n warm wishes.really comfort n it make me happy :')
sometime, just because of misunderstanding, everything will turnout to b problem.
n we the one that face it should know how to handle it without being too emotional.
even smlm penuh dgn mcm2 masalah.
n i cried for few times.
but together with the sadness, it comes the happiness:)
when there is rainbow, there must b rain first.
thanks again dear all.
for being there in my life.
rumate gemok!haha |
pseudo mc. hehe |
oh akak sekerat. heee |
weeee :) |
erk. muka ape tue? :p |
kami kwn dr matrik tau. ngeh2. :) |
oh i silap pndang camera la. haha |
ngeh2. :D |
with the real mc. hehe |
thanks dear frens:') |